6 Great Vegetables to Grow During The Winter

With cooler temperatures, it's time to consider which vegetables to grow and how best to protect them. Fortunately, there are easy solutions to protect crops from winter.
When choosing your vegetables, look for seed packets and plant labels that reference "cold" or "cold season" in the description. Cool-season vegetables are those that thrive and grow when the mercury falls, preferring cooler temperatures to warmer climates.
While many crops won't grow during the colder temperatures of winter (say goodbye to melons, tomatoes, squashes, and peppers, for example), many vegetables will tolerate and even thrive in the cooler temperatures that come with fall and winter.
Grow Fresh Vegetables at Home – Discover the Best Tools and Seeds for Planting!
Do you want to know what winter vegetables to plant in this cold season? Keep scrolling to learn everything you need to know.
We hope you enjoy this video about 6 Vegetables to Grow During the Winter:
Source: Charles Dowding
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