Cherry Tomatoes Are the Easiest Plant You'll Ever Grow

Cherry tomatoes are an ideal crop for both novice and seasoned gardeners alike, known for their ease of growth and abundance of small, flavorful fruits. Here’s a straightforward guide to planting and nurturing cherry tomatoes, along with tips for a bountiful harvest.

Choosing Your Cherry Tomato Variety

Cherry tomatoes come in several varieties, each with its own flavor and growth pattern:

  • Sweet Million: Known for clusters of vibrant red tomatoes with a sweet taste.
  • SunSugar: Produces golden, super-sweet tomatoes with a rich, fruity flavor.
  • Black Cherry: This heirloom variety offers a deep, complex taste with dark-colored fruits.

These varieties are all "indeterminate," meaning they’ll keep producing until the first frost. They can grow quite tall—up to 8 feet—so consider staking or using a cage to support them. If you’re limited on space, ask your local nursery about dwarf or patio varieties, which are smaller and require less support.

What You’ll Need to Get Started

Here’s a quick checklist of supplies for planting cherry tomatoes:

  • Cherry tomato seedlings
  • Large tomato cage (for support)
  • Quality potting mix
  • Tomato fertilizer
  • 5-gallon container (or equivalent)

If a traditional bucket isn’t your style, any container that holds around 5 gallons will work. Look for one about 12 inches deep and wide, which offers enough space for roots to spread.

Steps for Planting Cherry Tomatoes

  1. Prepare the Container: If your container doesn’t have drainage holes, add some ½-inch holes around the bottom edge and a few in the center. This will help excess water drain, preventing root rot.
  2. Choose the Right Spot: Pick a sunny location where your plant will receive at least 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. If you don’t want to use a cage, place the container near a balcony or railing for natural support as the plant grows.
  3. Set Up the Cage: Insert the pointed ends of the cage into the container, then fill it with potting mix around it. This provides a stable base for the plant as it matures.
  4. Prepare the Soil: Water the potting mix until evenly moist, adding more soil if needed until it reaches about ½ inch below the pot’s rim.
  5. Plant the Seedling: Dig a small hole in the center of the soil. Carefully remove the seedling from its nursery pot and plant it deep enough so that only the top leaves are exposed. This helps develop a stronger root system.
  6. Watering and Feeding: Water every two to three days to keep the soil consistently moist, increasing frequency in hot or dry climates. Feed your plant once a week with tomato fertilizer, following the package instructions.
  7. Training the Plant: As the tomato grows, guide its branches through the cage to prevent sprawling. This keeps the plant upright and encourages better airflow around the leaves.

Harvesting Cherry Tomatoes

After about a month, your plant will start flowering, followed by the appearance of small green tomatoes. These fruits will ripen over the next few weeks, turning into vibrant cherry tomatoes ready for picking.

For the best flavor, wait until each cherry tomato is fully ripe before harvesting; ripe tomatoes will easily detach from the vine. To encourage continuous production, pick tomatoes daily, enjoying a steady supply throughout the season.

If frost is approaching, cover the plant with an old sheet or lightweight cloth to extend the harvest period. This added protection can often provide a few extra weeks of fresh tomatoes.

A Final Word

Growing cherry tomatoes is a rewarding endeavor that brings bright, delicious fruit to your garden or balcony. With a bit of attention to sunlight, watering, and support, your cherry tomato plant will thrive, adding color and flavor to your meals all season long. Happy gardening!

Enjoy The Video Tutorial

Source: Next Level Gardening

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