DIY Aquaponics from Ceramic Tiles and Cement

In addition to selling their fish and vegetables, aquaponic farms can make money by offering enthusiast farming classes or by selling the aquaponics system to others interested in starting the same.

However, this is not to say that creating a profitable aquaponics business is guaranteed, or even easy. Sunlight is the best light source for plants in an aquaponic system. Therefore, you must provide light (artificial or indirect sunlight) to your fish every day.

So even if you plan to have an internal or external aquaponic system, you must provide all three organisms with enough balance of life and light for them to thrive. Sunlight is the best light source for plants in an aquaponic system.

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Therefore, you must provide light (artificial or indirect sunlight) to your fish every day. So even if you plan to have an internal or external aquaponic system, you must provide all three organisms with enough balance of life and light for them to thrive.

We hope you enjoy this video about DIY aquaponics:

Source: No1 IDEAS

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