Discover a New Crazy Method to Grow Kale

Kale is a member of the Brassica family, like cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other common cabbage crops. It is a biennial. In the first year, he left. In the second year, the cabbage blooms and gives seeds. The plant dies when the seeds mature.

In spring, kale can be started from seed indoors and young kale plants can be planted very early (4 to 6 weeks before the last frost). But in many regions, kale is best grown in the fall, when temperatures are cooler. Kale tastes best when the leaves ripen in cool weather.

Kale is versatile in the garden, growing well in traditional beds, raised beds, or containers, where its ornamental value is appreciated, especially in the fall. It is also versatile in cooking and nutritious in addition to many dishes.

We hope you enjoy this video about a New Method to Grow Kale:

Source: suburban homestead

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